our top 5 tips for footcare at home
Your appointment at the salon begins with a consultation to check the specific needs of your feet and customize your pedicure with our bare luxury and lova skin pedicure products.
Here are our top five tips for keeping your feet soft, smooth and looking lovely between your appointments.
- After a shower or bath, give feet a vigorous rub with the towel to roll away dead skin cells. Especially focus on the heels and edges of the great toe where callus likes to build up.
- Floss between toes with a towel and if possible, allow your feet to dry out for a couple of hours before putting them into a pair of shoes.
- Wash, sanitize and moisturize your feet after being in communal places like pools, spas and gyms. A preventative (for athletes foot) foot spray from the pharmacy is worth picking up for adding to your gym bag.
- Apply sunscreen to your feet if you are out barefoot or in jandals.
Try spray or aerosol sunscreen and remember to re-apply as necessary. - Apply a footcream or balm with lactic acid or urea to your feet at bedtime to speed up the skin cells turnover while you sleep and keep your feet baby soft. Browse our beautiful range of footcreams and take one home to add to your bedtime ritual.